Marysville Daily Appeal, Volume VII, Number 146, 21 June 1863 — JDaittt fpjwtl [ARTICLE]

JDaittt fpjwtl

SIIN DAV MORNING, JUNE 21st. COLUSA AGENCY.—I. 11. Liening is the authored agent for tho Daily and Weekly Aprt.lL in Colusa eouoty. St-TTua AGENCY.—R. Diuamore is for the APPEAL in Sutter county. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ELECTION. —Tho Democracy turned out in their weakness last night, to elect delegates to a County Convention, to be held in this city Jnno 25th.. which will in turn elect delegates to the Bth, of July Convention. Tho vote in this city was light—only 172 according to their own highest figure?, which we believe to be exaggerated. The vote at the Union Primary in Marysvillo was 640. Tho following dil agates were chosen last night: Firnt Ward.— E. 0. F. Ilastiugs, W. C. Shaffer, U. A. Hoelsoher, T. J. Powers, F.L.Hatch. Second Ward. —M. C. Duffiey. T. A. Siuith, J. A. Murray, (Jeo. L. McDaniel, H. Effkins, Thomas Fee ley. Third Ward. —Max Armor, J. W. Winter, P. Brown. L. J. Ashford, It. 1.. Barber, M. I). Carr, It. M. Turner, Morris Sullivau. Fourth Ward. —Paul Webber, A. Ellison, J. S. Heard, Jacob Kuorsa, Lewis Curry, H. R. Tryon. CANDID ATE FOR DISTRICT JuDGE.—The delegates to the District Judicial Convention of the Tenth District, representing Yuba, Sutter, Colusa and Sierra comities, met in this city last night and nominated Isaac S. Belcher, Esq., of Marysvillo, as tho Union candidate for Judge of said District. The present incumbent, Hon. S. M. Bliss, was a candidate, but finding that he lacked one vote of a majority, did not present his name, and Mr. Belcher was nominated unanimously. Mr. C. E. Filkins was also an aspirant forthu position, but proved not to be in tho tight when matters camo to the scratch. Mr. Belcher is a well-read and able lawyer, who enjoys tho respect of the bar, and has been a resident of Marysvillo for many years, lie secured the nomination over a very popular man, who has bron ou the bench for about ten years. JOINT SENATORIAL CONVENTION. —The delegations from Yuba and Sutter to this Convention met at a lato hour lastnigbt, after tho business of nominating District Judge was disposed of. Dr. C. S. Ilaswell of Sutter and lloraco Beach and Win. Hawloy of Yuba were put in nomination. Speeches of some length were made and the business of the Convention progressed slowly. At II o'clock but two ballots had been had, each resulting as follows: liaswell 10, Beach U, II aw ley 1. Finding nothing could be doneby farther balloting the convention took a recess lor tho purpose holding a conference. No defiuits result had been reached at tho time of our going to press. FOURTH OP JULY.— How about that celebration? Is there no demonstrative patriotism in our town? Somebody ought to stir iu the matter. Let a meeting tio called and u Committee of Arrnngeuiouts appointed, aud let it be understood that the Comraitteo shall not send abroad for an orator who will not givo as much satisfaction as several of our home talkers. The Orovillo Union says that Capt. Hunt, of the Uuards, has exteuded an invitation to tho Marysville Rifles, Capt. B. Eileruian, to pay Orovillo a visit ou the coining Fourth of July. That's the way Oroville proposes to get somo of our thunder, while we do nothing. UNION CELEBRATION IN SUTTER. —Tho wideawake citizens of Sutter aro preparing for a grand celebration of tho Fourth of July, at "the old camp," East lliittcs. Thvro will boa picnic and barbecue through tho day, with oration (probably by Jesse 0. Goodwin,) music, etc. At night there will be a ball. The grounds will be arranged in complete order, and everything done to make tho occasion ono of great pleasure. Invitations bavo been extended for tho military of several counties to attend. All Sut ter county will turn out aud all of Yuba, Butto and Colusa aro invited.

POLICE COURT. —The case of W. W. Barnes was culled up yesterday iu the Keeorder's Court, and no witnesses appearing, lie was discharged. The costs were taxed against the prosecuting witness, Ned Hamilton, and an attachment was issued for his arrest. The examination would have takeu place last Wednesday if Hamilton had been ready to appear, but as he wes not, it was postponed till Saturday. Oh Friday morning Hamilton left towu, aud has uot since been seen. FOOTUILL WINE.—F. M. Mathews, who has a vineyard on the bank of Feather river, about a mile below Oroville, made 6,000 or 8,000 gallons of red wine, last year. Ho is preparing to bottle the whole of it, and put it into this market for sale. It is a very fine article of claret, with out any foreign admixture or coloring matter, and has a flavor reminding ono of pure Chatnbertin. We predict for it an immediate popularity. Mr. Mathews inteuds hereafter to go extensively into grape aud wine culturo. YUBA IN THE STATU CONVENTION. —Yuba county tried hard for a place on the Union State ticket, but was left out iu the cold. In addition to her effort for the State Printership, which was opposed by all but four of tho delegation, Jesse O. Goodwin (County Judgo, aud candidato for re-election,) was put on tho track for Attorney General, and received several handsome puffs but only 72 votes. Ira Eiitou waut«d to be Harbor Commissioner, but received only 40 votes. Republics arc ungrateful. RICH COPPER ORE. —The Magoncgal Company, in this county, about ten miles east of Marysville, have struck, at a depth of thirty foet, a ' vein of rich copper oxides aud sulphurets, six feet wide. Tbe ono will assay about 40 per cent. ; This is one of the richest discoveries yot made iu California. Some promising <re has also been found by the Knickerbocker Company, in Empiro District, near tho Magoncgal lode. THE RIVER STEAMERS plying betweeu Marysvillo aud Sacramento made tho trip down in four or five hours, and up in about 11 hours. The new stoamer Lark, which was built for tbe Red Bluff trado, is now plying ou this route temporarily. Tho boats briug up about 200 tons of freight daily, and tako down considerable quantities of fruit and other produeo. MINING CONSOLIDATION. --In another column will be tound a notice of a meeting of mining companies, which is to take place next Saturday afternoon, at Smartsville, for the purposo of Consolidating various mining companies. The more seems to us a good one, as it will have the effect to more rapidly develop tho resources of tho mines in tbat section. MEXICAN COTTON. —Gen. Sutter is informed by a son of bis, who is in the employ of the Pacific M. S. Company, tbat over fi,ooo baleo of; cotton have been shipped from Acapulco during j the last six months. This is a very interesting i feature of down coast trade. FRESII FRUITS. --T. A. Smith, of the St. Charles , Fruit Store, advertises his fine stock of fruits iu this morning's APPEAL. He has some of tbe : finest cherries we ever saw, and tho apricots he 1 is receiving daily are hard to beat. PROTECTION No. 2.--Bv order of E. E.Skaatts, Foreman, a special meeting of Protection Engine Co. No. 2 will bo held at S o'clock to-mor- j row(MoDday) evening. THE CORN CROPS along tho Yuba and Feather are looking well. In several places fine fields of corn are growing on the sandy depositions left by the floods of 1862. THE HOT TERM. —Has fairly set in, and has | continued already for five days. It was a long while coming, so let us be resigned. THB CALIFORNIA DETACHMENT.—A dispatch dated at Lake Taboe, June 18th, gays: The detachment of troops in command of Lieut. Col. Moore arrived here at 12 M. today, and are now encamped at thi« place, where tbey are to remain until Mondav. Tbe men are all in fin* order and highly elated witb the prospect of refreshing rest befor* leaving tbe beautiful shores of the lake.