Marysville Daily Appeal, Volume XII, Number 118, 21 November 1865 — PAKTI BiaMDKHS*. [ARTICLE]


The real simoo-puro Democrats—the hardheads, who claim to bo thu fathers of the party —are extremely disgusted with the Democratic managers. This dissatisfaction is expressed by a Copperhead paper in Oregon in plain language. The editor says : According to the telegraphic advices from the Eastern States where elections have recently been held, tlio Dfmoeratio party has been ► hnmefully defeated almost everywhere. This is nothing more than what might have been expected as the inevitable and legitimate result of yielding principle to expediency, as the leaders nf th« party iu nearly nil of the States in which tho elections weri held seemed to have done. Expediency will, and ought to, defeat any party that indulges iu it. The great mass ot the Democratic party have got completely sick and tired of this Jiiscrable "policy," and no wondcrtbey will not turn out ami vote, and wo should think that the leaders of the party would have found this out by this time. This rebel editor charges the defeat of his party to the policy of its leaders. He calls it "yielding principle to expediency." Call it what yon please. The editor charges hi? party leaders with hypocrisy and deception, and says it is an organization of cheats—and that it succeeds in cheating no one but Democrats. Admitting that "noncoercion" is a principle, the Copperheads are sadly deficient. Tue party has truly disgusted erery Democrat by its inconstancy. It has been for "peace," denying the right of the Feleral Government to coerce a State. It has been for "war," declaring the Government right in compelling obedienee to the laws. It nominate* peac* candidates one year, and war candidates the next. If the party ever bad a principle, it has been practically repudiated the last four years. The present "principles" of the party are past finding out by tho keenest textuist. In New York the party adopts an Administration-war platform, and nominates "Lincoln's hirelings" for election. In Nevada, California and Oregon, the name party adopt an anti-Administra-tion platform, and put in nomination civilians opposed to war, and who boast of the honor of opposing the Government in its most trying hours. The truth is, the old Democratic party is totally demoralized and broken up. The parties calling themselves "Democratic" iu N'ew York and Nevada, are nothing more than a poorly organized band of guerrillas, fighting for plunder under any banner believed to be most popular. The death of slavery seems to have wrecked the old Democratic ship. In one State the party is hanging to a spar, in another to the keel, and in another to the deck. These fragments are floating about iu the great political sea, the sport and toy of every political wave. The leaders canuot realize the party is stranded. Its demise is incomprehensible to instinct Democrats. A party so powerful and successful in years past cannot be believed to be helpless and dead. Ths party was believed to be immortal. The seers and the eavansoftbe party are astounded and bewildered in their divinations. The defeats experienced by the so-called Democratic party ought to satisfy its wouldbe recoustructors that all efforts to that end are vain. The lenders, or reconstructors, are tainted with treason. They are odious to the great majority. They are the deadweights that bold the party in its political grave. To resurrect the party is to honor the dishonorable. To restore the Democratic party to power, is to restore the Buchanans, Pierces, Yallandighams and Seymours. So long as these men live, the party is beyond the power of resurrection. The taint of treason is inseparable from the leaders and the party. The leaders are politically dead, and the party is dead. When these men die, physically, and their record is blotted out by oblivion, politicians may talk about resurrecting the Democratic party. The party may be reorganized some day w'uen its principles become obsolete through years of forgetfulness. TH» RECORD .—WhiIe the Copperheads are claiming and endorsing President Johnson, would it not be well to lvok at hit record. Let us see what Johnson declared when military Governor of Tennessee. Iu his address to the colored mea at Nashville, we Ind these emphatic words : Ptanding here upon the steps of tho Capital, with 'he past history of the State to witness, the present condition to guide, and its future to encourage se. I, Andrew Johnson, do hereby preilairn freedom, full, broad aud unconditional, to erory man iu Tennessee. Loyal loep, whether white or black, shall aloae control the destinies jf the State. How do ye Copperheads like that? It is possible ye Copperheads nover read these declarations. If so, read them. And if you ean fndorse Johnson as an "abolitionist," you can ilso endersc him as a "tyrant" and "execuiioner." Here is what he recommends to your political friends in Dixie: Show me the man who has been engaged in :hose conspiracies; show me one who has been sitting in these nightly and sesret conclaves, plotting the overthrow of the Government ; >how me one who has Cred upon our flag, has Lgiven instructions to take our forts and custom ijouses, our arsenals and dockyards; and I will -how you a traitor. I would have all such arrested and tried for treason, and, if convicted, by the Eternal God, they should suffer the penalty of the law at the bands of tbe executioner. How do ye Copperheads, who are throwing up your hats for the "Democratic" President, like the "butcher?" Ben. liutler is hated abovo all men by Copperheads, (just tbe best reason for admiring him) but we never heard such "hateful words" as these quoted to Johnson fall from his lips. Does any sensible man believe the President has resolved to dishonor his loyal record ? If be should, is he the man worthy the respect and honor of any party? Should the President be eome the sycophant and tool of half subjugated rebels, will that qualify him to become tho President of tbe Democracy ? THE first and last number of the Downievl'le Standard, edited by a Confederate soldier, said: "We heard an abolitionist remark a few days ago tbatLinuoln was among the host of Heaver:. If so, Nero and Caligula are porambulating the streets of New Jerusalem, and the devil is sitting at the right hand of God." Tbe Examiner quotes this without a word of disapprobation, aud characterises it as "strong talk." THE JJistitti/ipian lays that the country along tbe line of the Mississippi Central Railroad is in tbe most desirable state of repose—no guerrillas, no robbers, no violence. All have turned their hands to peaceful pursuits, and tbe demoralisation caused by tbe terrible ordeal of tbe past four years is being obliterated. Ifn.L some of onr loyal exchanges tell as how many States are ia tbe Union?— Cotiua Sun. Tbe Clerk of tbe Bouse of Representatives will tell yeu when he calls the roll.

LATEU FROM WESTERN MEXICO. —The following items ure from (he Masatlan Timn, Nor. utki David S. Terry and wife reached Musatlan on the Bth inst., from San Bias, per ship Emilia. Ho has fettled on a ranch about thirty milet fruni Guadalajara. Mr. Eustace Parker died in Matailan on the ith inst. Deceased war a natire of Virginia, md was ahout 35 Tears old. lie was oneo a member of the California Legislature, from Calaveras county. Dan. Showalter, the murderer of Piercy, A«icmblyman from San Bernardino, is keeping the I'lanters' Hotel in Maiatlan. Late advices from Alamos announce the death y{ Sr. Don Antonio Resales. in a recout engageucrt between the Imperial and the Liberals vices. Sr. Kosales was, no doubt, tbu bust ipuoitccn of H true man to be found in the Liberil 1 arty. On tho entry of Corona into this city fell, ho made Kosales Governor of tho State, which position ho held until the arrival if the French, ahout a month later, when bo left, he city in company with Corona and the Liberils. Unliable information has just been received of lie doath of Angel Martincn, who stood next to Corona iu the insurgent forces in this and addining Departments, nnd who has been a terror :o raocberos throughout this section ef country. Th» I'ienc'u transport steamer Marne, the largest whieb hat yet visited these waters, had arrived at Mazatlan direct from France, This ros«el had a full cargo of supplies lor the troops n this part of the Empire. VIRGINIA FIRE EATERS. —The New York Copperhead ,\>tci thus glories ever the continual manifestation of Rebel spirit and cootuuiaciouiaess in Virginia: The returns from the Virginia elections improve by every mail. It is very certain new :hat threo, if not four, of the successful candidates are gentlemen who avow their inability to iwallow the oath imposed by the Republican Party. Mr. Botts is more badly beaten than the worst of hit unlucky horses. Mr. Charles Palmer, the peculiar pet of Republicanism in Virginia, is defeated fur the Senate, in Riehmond, by a very large majority. If we were disposed to self-laudation, we might eite these Tacts ia illustration of the influence of this jourDai; for every paper in Richmond, we believe, with a solitary exception, exhorted the people to elect ne candidate whocouldnot stand the Republican test. Our counsels prevailed, and the people of Virginia have cast their vetei where their sonfideuce and sympathies repose. Every ether pledge of loyalty they will give ; but to outrage the instincts of Nature, to turn their baeksupon those who have struggled and suffered in the lame cause, and to intrust their honor and their interests to men who botrayed them in the boar of need —that the people of Virginia will never do. Wo applaud their consistency. Their very adversaries will respeet them all the more for their firmness and fidelity : and the gentlemen who decline the oath will be admitted into Congress as readily as their more compliant colleagues. Hmi*e A WITNESS.—The San Andreas R»gistsr says: At the time of the county seat election some two and a half years ago, there lived a man at Mokelumne Hill, and he lives there still, who is a mechanic, aud a very iugenious man eapable of makiug a skeleton key for a safe or any other ingenious work. When it was found nooessary to obtain the returns of tho vote from the Clerk's office in order to add a thousand more votes to defeat San Andreas, this man was applied to to make a false key to the Clerk's office. The key of the offioe was in the open door, and was taken therefrom by parties on the outside, while parties witbin attracted the attention ef the deputy elerk. It was taken to this ingenious man, who took the impression of the key in putty, from which he made a skeleton key whieh was used in getting into the office, the original being returned to its plaso in the door. Just before the trial came off at Sacramento on the 2d of this month, it was ascertained that this "ingenious man" would, if put upon the stand, tell the whole truth in regard to the transaction, but that be preferred not to be obliged to do it. lie was thon taken by parties at the Hill and put down a shaft near town, whore he was kept for nine days, o; - until the trial was over, wheo he again made his appearance. THE UNION CANDIDATE.— The Hebreir says of Mr. Cohn. the Uuion nominee for Senator at San Francisco: Mr. Cohn, besides being an Israelite, is a southern man, a native of Charleston, South Carolina, and durißg the whole period oftbe trying times of the lute rebellion, he proved his devotion to the I'nion by his unqualified sustainmcnt of its integrity—the Union and nothing but the whole Union of States withoat geographical lines of division. Mr. Cohn is ne mere sojourner in our inidst. He is a California, whose every interest is bound in thi* State; whose "vine and lig-tree," family and all, are here in nnr midst. He enjoys the warm Friendship of a host of oiti3'.'nt, and if our read:rs will only g» to work properly, do their duties as citizens, we have every hope to believe hat he will become a Senator. BAD SMELLS.— Anybody who dcos not with to lave an cflencs so rank that it smells to Heaven leeds but pursue tho following remedy to Leiome as fragrant as acw-mown bay. The Scirnijit Amfrieun says: "Tho uuploasant odor produced by perspiraion is frequertly n source of vexation to perlOUS who are subject to it. Nothing is simpler ban to easi'y remove this odor much moreeffccunily than by the application of unguents and lerfuaies as are in use. It is only necessary to jrocure some of the compounds spirit* of amnonia acd plaee about two Übie-spoonsful in u >asiu of water. Washing the face, bauds and irms with this, leaves the skin as clean, sweet lud frefch as any could wish. The wash is perectly harmless and very eheap. It is recomnended on the authority of a physician." A SHERIFF AND DEPCTT KILLED. —A telegram o the I'nion, from Sau Franciseo, November 'Jih, says : A schooner Captain, who arrived from Mendolino county last night, givol the tequel of the lilling uf Adams by llardgraves, a butcher, in klendocino county, laat week. Sheriff Lewis iVorden and Deputy pursued Hardgraves into he woods and brought him to bay. He swore bat he never would be taken alive, and tbey ihot him down. Although mortally wounded le managed to raise and discharge hit revolver leveral times, killing both Sheriff and Deputy. MISPLACED CONFIDENCE. —Captain Manuel, the owner of a eraft plying between here and San Francisco, tayt the Napa Rvjitttr, took ai a passenger from the latter plaee on Wednesday last, a man who said he wat "strapped," and carried him to this port free of charge. On Thursday morning, the "poor" man was milling—to were two watohet which had been left witbin bis reach. Manuel hain't heard from bit "ttrapped" friend since. AN editor is a nobody, *aye the Examintr, if be bat no enemies. At a general rule, abuse it the pabulum on whieh the conductor of a public journal thrives. If every body praises hint, It is almost an absolute certainty that be it tome tuilk and water slubberdegullion whose opinion! on any tubjeot are not worth the itatienary consumed in their publication. Incapacity te provoke enmity is always accompanied by a lack of those attributes which attract friendthip. TUK Cnion bat been thown by H. A. Caulfield, a large potato of the "Irish Red" species, whieh #ts raited on hit ranob south of R street. It contaios tome twenty prongi or divitiom, weighs toren pounds, and in laying on tha ground occupies a space of about a foot in diameter, resembling a half-peck of potatoes grown together. SUMMIT CITT. —We are informed from partiet returned, that 400 or 500 people will winter at Summit City. There aro a numbers of familiet there, aud a school bat been in operation for tome time. A VERT rioh and extensive discovery of gold bearing quarts has feoen made near Falling Leaf Lake, tome or eight mile* front Tank's Station, ia the northeastern portion of El Dorado county. TOE Yreka Journal taya Kilpatrick't reconstruction entitle* New Jersey to admiiilon Into tha Union without taking thSMth.

INDIAN KILLSIV—Near tbe North Fork ot , Cottouwood, week before last, a most, cowardly and barbarour murder was''oinmitted. ( It leem* that two wbito barbarians went to an Indian rancberia iu lhat neighborhood, | for tbe purpose of gettiug possession of an Indian girl about ten years old. This at* ( tempt at forcible WHS resisted by the mother of the child, assisted by a cripi pled Indian boy, the only one in the rani cberia. The resistance of this poor cripple so exasperated the rillains that ore of them . seized him by the top of the bead, while i with his knife he first cnt bis throat and then (tabbed him to the knife hilt, ami to i wreak his vengeance fully, turned the kjife in the wound several times, then withdraw. 1 ing it, again stabbed bis victim, turning the ' knife as before, repeating tho act until life " was extinct While this butchery was going on the gir! and her mother made their I escape. Iu a few days after the fiends burnt t the rancheria.— Shatta t'oiir.'rr, .Von. 18//;. TIHAMA COIJ>T\. —We clip tbe following r items from the Rluff Obscrvtr, Nowm- > ber 18th : The product of wool in Teb&ma county is increasing annually. The fall clip of 186.>, as near as we can learn from tho principal shippers, amounts to l."> 0,100 11)3—worth | from 17 J(<? 20c lb on tbe landing. Intel- , ligonl men tell us that tbe spring and fall clip of 1866 will reach 100,000 lb|. Lieut. Elliott started for Smoke Creek. ' Humboldt county, Nevada, in command of I a detachment of cavalry, 25 men, who have been encamped oo Antelope for several months past. Mud wagons havo taken tbe place of Concord coaches on tbe Sacramento and Portland route. Tbe stages have been from two to five hours behind time this week in consequence of the heavy roads. His RKSIDEKCI.—Mr. Hallow, the man recently murdered by Indians between Honey Lake and the Humboldt, was a resident of Dogtown, Itutte county, where bis family now reside. AMONG the passengers who arrived on Friday on tbe Mexican steamer John L. , Stephens was the wife of Gen, David S. Terry, formerly of tbe Confederate and Fort Gunnybags. Mn, S, A. Allcn'n World'* Hair Re. •torer and dressing. You cannot be bald or grcr, and neither time nor flirkm'SA can blomiuli your lmir, ! ifjou Uie them. Sold by till Druggist*. Ageutfi, iloetetter, Smith A Demi, San Frnncinco.