Marysville Daily Herald, Volume VI, Number 44, 14 November 1855 — M*r|ri*ille-IU Hutium «as*4 »*«•»• |***( U. [ARTICLE]

M*r|ri*ille-IU Hutium «as*4 »*«•»• |***( U.

Tb* gr wtb *f th« eity »f Marysvilla, tor th* two ytars last past, ba* W«e ui.mauipled U lit* early day* of our California hi*lory, •ben tb* spir tof tpecul .tion »a r.ft, and pa.i-er e>t'*< w*r* located oo lb* bank* of every wreaia, it wn oocertaiu whether our then iifwt city wou . a permanent portion a* a promiucftt marl tor trad* Commercial obaifci were «■ great ftnd *o r»pid, oil 11» (re* in ft night, ft* it w#r*, into M<:b protuuenoe and iuiportano«, »nd tank »**» ftgaiu iritu luj.guibeaoee ft* >«'», that tb« ro*.d- tit of our interior town* w*r* extremely cautious ft bout tbeir v*ntur< a ana iaveauntßt* ia lb* permanent prvparty of any city. Tbi* spirit of ditlrust marked tbe oarly bi»tor\ of Marysr.U* As ft general rul*. tbo*e living ft ad doing baiitieu here, were eon tent witb »ucb HmdmU tor tb*ir store* and re*.d*iue# a* would »»«««> tbcir purpuae* for tbe tme, » tbftt, i perchance tbe uai fate sboald overtak* Mary» nlie which bad caused other towns to droop m>t dwindle—if iU trad* should !ea*e U ftod it* bus mm laeo irt« other and better location*- the: as little lose a* poMible would be suttaifed by tbe chang* Tbe lent* and thaetie* which had been built bad ooet bat little, and it would be no great sacrifice to left** them

But at a later day a better feeling begau to nu fHt itself The res dent* of oar cty saw the commercial advantages of it* position, aud a hearty, earnest Mat a Jding confidence io Hi steady and heaiitiT prosperity and permaneue wm a eooscijuenoe The trade >t our city was a regular and a constantly increasing one Tb« ag ..cultural regions round about u», begas to fill up with a hardy and industrious p pulst'on, and yielded abuad j nniir in reepoa&e to tbe toil of the husbandman Tbe Bio« to tbt east and north of us, proving e«ry rich, and largely reaiuoeratiog tbo*e wh j who pat is-illy sought tbe treasures hidden there. | became lb* boaie and tbe theater for the operation* of thousands upon thus-andJ of miners Inspired with confidence by this ©ondition of thing*, and do longer doubling as tbe future ot ear etty, our merchant* begin te bu ,d substar. tial More bouses Residences, which indicated thai in aad ab-.nU tbern *K oaly tbe eomforts, but the rv&aemeuu of iife were to be found. were Wit on eee-y «rw'., S«>a the city be/au to assume ao ap(je**a c«.f permanence and sob stantialitv But ties* increased with tbe growth of tbe city, and til fears of a decline and fiuul eeMUioo of trade were uvw duelled. Tbi* state of thing* wat a source of gratifies tiec 10 tbj*e who. from the infancy of the city, warn it iij übffj itoiy a few tests and saai tin oa tbe plaza, bad eapresaed a faith is its penoaner. < and tnaniiesied by thei works thai their faith was »«:: grounded Aad eo oar eity nas grown ant 1 tbe busine-s portion of it oow presents an imposn g art ay ot i permanent and substantial storehouses Scarcely a wooden strue'.ur. remain* in that part of tie tows which it giveu op to (he wholesale and re tail trad r* Tbe few old building* that are left to tell of tbe otdea time, are fa*t fading before ; tbe march of improvement, which is eo risible ©.. j every hand And tbe other street* and suburb.- j exhibit like sign* of improvement. Elegant and ooetly private residences grace every street — Chuicbes, School booses. Engine houses, acU ether paolic kt 'dti g«. are being erected as tut wants of the city demand them Ail these outward signs of the advancement aad prueperity of Maryeriife, are tbe belt possible I evidence which eao be given that tbe trade el the eity is of a permanent and profitable character Erom entail beginning*, that trade be* grows te be vast beyond conception. *'e have it trota one of our merchant*, who t> well postad ia regard t« such matter*, that tbe wholesale trade of Marysviile ha* doubted within a tear past When w« take into ©ori lerati-.u tbe fact that the mining region* which depend B t**> otar my fwr their supplies, are tbe very be« t aad anost* ia the !»ia e. aud tuat tfc; pupuiatiaa in these reg.ons bae greatly increased witkus a year or two past, this statement wui sot seem improbable. Indeed, tbe evidences are evT **t as, of this great increase io our trade The steamers some heavily loaded to our | An average of two Hundred tons of goo' per day, are brought to Marysville, by tbe.staaaser* Then we have at! tbe supplies of graii. at-d prwduee, wmeb tbe farmers of this r«giun,f > tfeirty Kites about Marysvtita, bring te our marbet Heavily leaded teams, wfeieh creak under tbe <n-;m accumulated burdei s, fill oi< etr««u* oa (b«u way to tbe tatoee dumber* vi pat* tra-o* lea*e tbe city eaeh day. foi pari* a* yet aat reached by w»gue travel. Plages, iiter ally fun te avniuemj of paesengers, are «t, u etaatiy earning snd g»-ng Every thing .r.Jieat. » that as a eHj, we are prospet ,»u* now, and ba %apisnd>d future u- J, u t energy, the busiut-es »brrwd<iej», ane tbe lores f i uf thase who are now esgoymg thu prospers » |»reee«.t, to determine wbather that bright tulu shall be raaiisad If we are keen to eee our advantages, and qu« k to improve them —J we can foiuaee the eviisih i threaten to retard our city's p«\*p«nty, aud buV< haste to avert tbeui, nothiug can husder Mary t viile from being secoad only io imporiasce to t -t proud Empurium of tbe i v tie Scdmm OcaTH —A man named John Carrol lately a help at Murray's Motel, aad fumeriy MiMouri, fail frosa a chair in which he was sitting at the .>aio«u of M L- ebster, on Fwt *tre» . above A, yesterday, at it»| Sc lock, aud unme ately expired A post u.v..«a elaminathm ui tbe body was made, aad it was ascertained it hit death was caused by the rupture of the rig u auricle ot the heart The physicians stated lb.. I, fro* the appearance of the liver aud stomach A tbe <ieoeas<nl, toey judged o»iu to be a dissipate i habits On his person was louml a pen ka.fe, a buekskm purse, ana a Uu ml lar gold piece Ah u,t|aest w«*beid on tbe b«lj t>* tbe deceased, and a *erv:ot reu4er*d ia aeeui dance with tbe facts, as abov, 1( , 4 , lbr 4 -th ot Carroll was caused by .»»*,«*, 4 f tie heart. •racial Horn* -*:» tt&n «dllaitww,th» evening, m the ue* Theatre at Uphir at Upftir *a Monday etsiuii, ia the Theatre.

»- fc« 4 it*a* *tfv«4 ium i*w> t f«. w w u.wIMTItU.

.lot. Umist -H<bt < «bitig, out of th* row jU**«»g ged i® lb** affray which ot jutted ftt th* pfltaar J »lectio# not is v ft» Pntft3i«* ~ ha* iattljr bad hi* trial fur an aaaaalt on Jam** P C a**y, Kftde ftt tbitt time it will be reßrUlbere J tbftt CttttUßg ftrtd ft tumUt of sb.>ts ftt Catey ou ft public and thronged tlrtet, j fortunately without ffttftl coateqoeooa* eliber to , Ca*ey or tb* crowd Lmj, in self defoact, ftt iftckeJ and deefßrftteljr wounded Cutting, but b. lefovered trow bi* wwuudi, and bft* jutt bo*, tried before the Court of S>**wnt of iian Fra >oit 00, Judge treelcn preetding, ftnd touod guilty of tb* offence cbft'god There •Mini to b* no palliation iur to b*mouau ofeoo* agaibM the pe*t* and urd*r of the city, but Jujg* F. littebing to the repreteuta lioM of tb* frtcadt of ( ttehtbg, l*t bitft off with a fine of oo* tbouaanu dollar* He tbouid ba.* be*!, tetit tonute* Priaoci, ft&il there uiftde to do workt tueel fur repeutane* — VSerej i* ihn.wo away upon the rowdie* who ftre ever ready to drftw *c*JMu io crowd#, ftnd en clanger tb* lie** of peaeeftbt* eititeM It itoltiy by utftkii,g an ex am pi* oi tbe** bulitM, that fti' eud MB b* put to ft pr»etioe to repr*b»u*ibl* Tua D.vrwct CoPtt —Tbe StmtiWr term of ibu Court owrtitnetiood on MondftV. There are j 123 eaaet oo tbe docket Owing to the ftbaeoce of furniture ftnd other apptiftoce* ueefttftry to tbe oo in for; ftud ooueeuienoe of tbe Court ftn.i Uar, tbe Court iu a<yourned for oo* week All po*:bl« di*pa'oh h»* been uted by onr eowoty (Utborit'e* in getting the new Court H..ue* reftdy for oocujvftoey, but it wat found impoautbl* to h*e* matter* in tueb a ttftt* of forw»rdne*s a.woald admit of tbe *e**ion of Court during tbi» week lleuoe the ft* ttated »bo»e liov l> B- T*««V. IftUly elected Sup.eme ' Judge of tbit Stkte, wftt <ju»l.fied »nd took bir j place ou th* bench of tb* buprem* Court, on Monday Judge Terry takes the place of Hon. C H Bryan, of tbi* oity, whoto term of office hat ex ; Ciiscti School* —Tbe c .mmitte* of the S Common Council of Sacramento, to whom waeferei the petition of Re* Mr. &>huck, Id regar i .0 a public *cbool for Chine** youth*, hare r* ported that action *boatd be lirtt had upon tbe subject by the Board of E iuoation of'hat city Tbe committee of the Council decline to act itt the promise* until tbe Board of Kducatioii •hall hare declared auch a nhanpe in the Com noa >ohool ivstem of the city ai will admit ol | [he education of the Chinee*, to be necetsary. Kzpkkss Fa*oas.—To Langton A Co., Wellf, Kargo Jt Co., and th* Pacido Exprese Companywe are indebted for our down rirer exchange! of ! ye*'erd«y. These *nterpri*ing companies contin ual'T place us under obligations to them, for whiel tbev will please accept our profound acxnowfedgments Gen Rowe, and tbe party who ftccompa nied him on a hunting expedition to tb* mountains, returied,'o town yesterday, loaded down w:tb tbe trophiet of the cha#e Tbey had Ante lope. Doer, Uk, and -mailer game, in great proujion. To the —A new millinery ttore ha." been recently opened in D street, near the Tbea" .re See tbe alvertur-ment, announcing tho fact, ia our columns. Sew Cigab Stokk — Tom Callaway, whom oTerrl.o Iy knows, has opened a Cigar More in i he Euip-re Block, next door to tbe Union Saloon ~ee hi* adTertifc-ment. Laid Cr —The magnificent and farcrite mai' j •tesmship Golden Gate has been laid up at Beni ia for repairs. She will not again be placed oo ( th* route before February next. Teligkapii to Dowsisvillk —The wires of : the teiegraph from Nevada to Uownieville are up i from tbe latter place to Oak Tree Ranch, and the whole line will be completed »»ext week, as we learn from the Nevada Journal. *jr In the U. S. Di*trict Court, the District Attorney has commenced legal proceeding? against the estate of tbe late Capt. J. L. Foltom. o recover tbe balance due thi United States, on •ettlement of bi* account as Quartermaster. Tbe amount claimed by the government foots up f3US,7aS 37. 0. S. Maki*k Hohpital.—The whole number of patient* received into tbi* institution durin the month of October was 215 ; number treated, fw ; tium'rtr cured and discharged, 175 ; number d ed, 8. Total number remaining Nov, 1, 223. Pares—The Lootion Times has offered 10,000 pound* premium for a cheaper substitute for pa per than rags Rome "liv# Yankee," anxious ti tak« tti* premium, has been manufacturing l*per from wood ; but unlets it is better than 1. C Wood's paper, it is not of muoh account Heavt Scit —The Gas Company have sued be city of Fraociseo for |40,000, all. ged to b« due for gas u**d in lighting tbe city. (Jjio* —From Mr. Ballou, of Langton A Co.'t Kxpreas, we iearn that a heavy fall of mow com uienoed on Friday, in tbe viciuily of Dowuieville. •V ben our informant let, snow bad fallen to tbe iepth of aeveral inches, and wa« still falling — Mine'* wear faoci, hoping toon to reap a neb harvest. ML- Tbe "Local" of tbe California Erprttt, according to bis own statemeut, was placed hoi t •it combat fttuot g tb* broken Cbinft, a d beat a hasty retreat with undiminished finance* For- , tuuat*, very.