Madera Tribune, Volume 70, Number 103, 9 October 1961 — Supreme Court Refuses To Reconsider Communist Ruling [ARTICLE]

Supreme Court Refuses To Reconsider Communist Ruling

WASHINGTON (UPI) The Supreme Court refused today to reconsider its ruling that the U.S. Communist party, its officers and rank-and-file members must register with the Justice Department as agents of a Soviet-domi-nated conspiracy. The court stood by its decision nf last June 5 in a brief order denying a Communist party appeal for a rehearing of the case This means the registration order which was hold up last June by Justice Felix Frankfurter should be on its way to a lower court in a few days. Following last session's decision. Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy said I lie government was prepared to prosecute if the Communist refused to register. Although Frankfurt ei had spoken foi the majority in the original decision ordering registration. he issued a stay after the court had adjourned for the 1960-61 term. He did su after attorneys for the Communist party had petitioned for rehearing on n number of grounds protesting the constitutionality of the 1950 Internal Security Law The refusal to reconsider the order was the major decision handed down by the high tribunal on on Its first working day of the session In oilier actions, the court: Agreed to hear an appeal a Memphis, Tenn , Negro leader who is protesting racial segregation in the restaurant and rest room facilities of that city's minieipal airport. The case was brought by Joss Turner, executive vice president and cashier of a bank and a member of the executive committee of the Shelby County Democratic Party. Refused for the time being to decide whether federal law permits a state to ban the ‘agency shop" which is a modified form of a union shop. Undei an agency shop contract. a nonunion worker must pay the union a sum equal to dues and assessments to keep his job. Today’s case originated in Kansas. Turned down three appeals in which LouislviUe authorities had lost school desegregation cases in lower courts. The lower courts had upheld orders to end segregation in various school districts in the state. Refused to reconsider its

decision of last May 29 which upheld the constitutionality of Pennsylvania* Sunday closing law Reconsideration was sought by three Pennsylvania discount houses and five Jewish retailers. The court last session upheld the blue laws of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maryland Ohio and South Carolina. Declined to review a California’s Supreme Court decision that held that the Ameriean Civil Liberties Union was not required to file a loyalty oath before being allowed to use school properly for a meeting