Pacific Rural Press, Volume 59, Number 18, 5 May 1900 — Prune Yield in Santa Clara Valley. [ARTICLE]

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Prune Yield in Santa Clara Valley.

To the Editor:—ln the issue of your paper for March 24 Mr. Edward Berwick of Monterey mentions the products of an orchard on the West Side, in this valley, and asked if there was anything else in Santa Clara county that could equal it or make a better showing. Among the members of the Santa Clara County Fruit Union we find one or two that exceed that mentioned by Mr. Berwick. We copy from our books the following returns from the ranch of R. W. Mantz of Berryessa. He informs us that there are not quite twenty-two acres and from that we received 93,115 pounds of dried prunes, besides besides apples. The prunes graded as follows : Sizes. Pounds. 30-40 24,888 40- 50 „. . 47,492 50-60 10,111 60-70 6,512 70-80. 2,024 80- 90 1,095 90-100 100-120 993 Total 93,115 There may be some that can make a better showing than this, but surely this is above the average. W. P. Craoin, Sec. Santa Clara County Fruit Union. San Jose, April 21.