Russian River Flag, Volume IV, Number 17, 7 March 1872 — Items From Mendocino. [ARTICLE]

Items From Mendocino.

One of our Ukiah correspondents sends in the following items, under date of March 4: The man whose horse was found loose In Anderson on Saturday a week ago is said to be James Bull, of Cuffy’s Cove, lie is supposed to have been drowned on Friday’ night, as he passed ClilTs late that evening and, though told that Anderson creek would be swimming, he said ho would go on. He leaves a blido of six weeks. On Wednesday last Tob Boyle, constable of Kg river township, fell dead at Navarra Kidge from heart disease. Hu had never complained or laid up from work from sickness, yet one lung was apparently destroyed and his h'art was twice the natural size. A post mortem examination was made by Dr. Lane, of Little River. The County Court meets at Ukiah to-riiorrow with a large calendar, Judge R. Harrison presiding for the first time. In Anderson Valley last week 8. Munn was shot in the hick with a rifle, by his son-in-law, Hurst, who was lying in ambush. A .land dispute was the cause of the cowardly act. Munn is badly wounded, the ball ranging up the back and not yet found. Hurst is lodged in jail. John Knight has recently purchased a lot I*oxlloo, on the corner of State street and Seminary avenue, for $l,OOO, and a lot OOx 100, comer of Standby and School streets, for $1,950, unimproved. Appointment of Supreme Judge. Governor Booth has appointed Judge, J. S. Belcher, of Marysville, to the vacancy on the Supremo Bench, occasioned by the death of Royal T. Sprague. Judge Belcher has served six years as Judge on the District B nch, and his appointment meets with general approval. Horace Hawes, Jr.—As soon as Mrs. Hawes waa appointed guardian of her son Horace, she sent Horace Caldwell, her nephew, to Europe to find him. They met in the streets of Naples, and a telegram from London announces that they are returning As a caution to Congress, the C<*igrtswinul Skh baas (or its motto “The ” governed too much.”