San Francisco Call, Volume 78, Number 45, 15 July 1895 — OUT-OF-TOWN PERSONALS. [ARTICLE]


Saratoga Springs, Cal., July 14.— The late arrivals at Saratoga Springs are: Mr. and Mrs. Cruse, W. M. Thurman, Arthur H. Williams, Orie Young, Artie Young, A.W. Foster, Thomas Miller, H. C. Whiting, J. M. Hall, Mrs. E. H. Cable, G. Conner, Jessie and Alice Conner, Mrs. M. A. Collins, Mrs. B. Gallagher, Miss A. Egan, Miss J. Filmore, Miss R. Alexander, George Baleck, W. A. Placial, J. A. Filcher, Asa R. Wells and wife, B. M. Gaston, L. F. Johnson, Mrs. Potisdale, Mr. and Mrs. J. Curry. W. B. Westlake, W. F. Woods, Dot Doxey,"E. I). Warren. Miss F. M. English, ('. Cleveland, William HiMreth, L. 11. Smith, Mrs. B. W. Day, Miss Mollie Day, Miss Estelle \Vilson, I*, S. Sullivan, Alice "Ruddock, Gus Keller, A. F. Dibble, A. W. MeClure, R. S. Phillips, Alice Ogden, W. 0. Phillips, Marie Ogden, Etta Phillips, George Twiggs, Maud Sleeper, W. Tallman and wife, A. B. Robinson, W. A. Gordon, A. 11. Loraine, A. B. Barrett, F. Twiggs, F. C. Norton, Professor A. H. Hart, J. D. Burke, J. Mcndenhall, Alex Mcmlenhall, A. J. Wilson, S. and J. Meredith, B. Harris. O. J. Somers, Mrs. F. J. Davis, Miss Grace Davis, Miss Annie Thorn, Ralph Davis, Mrs. R. Colby, Miss C. E. Colby, Mrs. E. Noble, William Noble, Mrs. W. M. Fox and three children, Mrs. Whitney and daughter, T. B. Valentine and wife, W. H. Stiller, wife and two children, Miss Madge James, W. T. Whitton, Ned Williams, Ed Nagle, Alexander Fowler, H. C. Owne, C A. Adams, B. I). Bend, Elmer Townsend, Mannie flirsch, W. 11. Marshall and wife, W. D. Rickabaugh and wile, Harmon Fish, D. Green, Walter M. Cordy, A. W. Koch. W. A. Whitney, A. Hurchback, Mrs. A. Popett and child, F. L. Fisher, Johu Martin, Mrs. 11. Wells, Mrs. E. D. Noble and daughter. Miss Edith Barry, Miss F. Greene, Joe Soldate, Mrs. Rulofson, Miss Rooke, Mrs. Dr. McDonald, George Jones. A. O. Milligan, Mrs. C. F. Mann, Mrs. C. A. Weike, Miss F. A. Weike, H. A. Weike, Mrs. F. C. Robbins. Miss Daisy Robbins, Josephine and Lulu Stevens, Grace "and Mary Gibson, W. M. Benson, Miss Levin, Kate Farnham, Mrs. E. C. Faruham, Miss Winder, \V. M. Drindle and wife, Miss Carrie Hooper, Mrs. L. A. Brink, Mrs. Mussey and daughter, 11. C. Henderson and wife, A. E. Skaif. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Tobin, Mrs. and Miss Shaw, Mrs. and Miss C. J. Auge, Martin Monson, C. B. Shaw, Miss Mary Hunt, Ed Machwith, J. Haas, A. M. Faris, T. A. Davis, Dan Cook, C. Harris, Miss B. C. Turner, Miss 11. Denman, Mrs. Denman, Belle Adams, C. MoCall, Mi>s Sherwood, A. B. Watson, W. >". Broderson, Mrs. George A. Brown, Mrs. O. J. Ruloison, Mr. Easterly.

Laurel Dell. Ju'y 14. -Mrs. A. C. Rulofson, Miss Clara Rulofson, Mibs Violet Rulofson,

Miss Gladys Rulofson, Miss D. Doxey, Miss Sophie Clausen, Miss O. S. Bartlett, Miss A. G. Regan, Miss R. S. Regan, Miss C. E. Wilson, Miss Etta Honigsberger, Miss S. A. Denis, Miss M. S. Denis, Miss E. Castlehun, 11. Weed, J. 11. Davis, Mrs. A. C. Kratz and family, J. Jones: J. A. Hosmer, wife and two children; George Jones, Mrs. 11. C. McDonald, Mrs. J. D. Arrainbide, Miss Olimpia M. Arrambide, Miss Florence G. Rourke, J. A. Ulrich and wife, Mrs. J. Popert, Mrs. Bowers, Mrs. M. Morrow, Miss Marion Bowers, Miss Varina Bowers, 11. J. Barada and wife, Mrs. W. R. Wood, J. Hirshbach, Mrs. T. P. Tisdale, L. T. Doxey, Seth Mann, P. I. Vassault, L. S. Yassault. Miss J. Broderick, J. Keller, D. L. Bickford, J. A. Mcßain. George E. Phillips, Frank Howe, Mrs. J. W. Rourke, Miss E. Cabrera, 11. C. Lyou, I. M. Lintorth, Mr. and Mr.s. J. J. Tobin. Mrs. Shaw, Miss Shaw. Mrs. Auger, Jfiss Auger, C. J. Auger, Miss Heald, Joo Saunders, Jake Saunders, Fred Chalfant, G. A. J. B. Warburton, M. Hirsch, Mlsa Mob.l White, Miss Mabel Fussier, Miss G. Kelton, Miss E. Hirech, Miss G. Cunningham, Miss C. Berding, Charles Poage, J. Barnett, L. S. Sullivan. Mrs. B. W. Day, Miss Estell Wilser, Miss Mollie Day, Miss Alice Ruddock, D. L. Cook, A. M. Reynolds, C. A. Brown, E. A. Townacnd, M. & Hirsch, w. H. Marshall and wife, W. D. Rickabi'.ugh and wife, C. 11. Adams, T. T. B. Argcnte, H. C. Owens, Byron D. Bent, Ned Williams, Ed Nagle, c. M. Alexander, W. J. Whitney, George Koch Jr., R. W. Reynold.-. N\ E. Jones, E. Bickford, Miss Fowlor, Miss M. W. Hopkins, R. J. Hudsou, Mrs. Thomas H. Bcnton, T. H. Benton Jr., Fontaine Benton, Alfred C. Benton, Vera B. Benton, Margaret C. Brown, Miss Josephine Stephens, S. C. Farnham, Mrs. C. F. Man, Louis K. Man, Mrs. E. C. Fnrnham, Miss E. C. Farnham, Miss Winder, E. M. Farnham, G. Morgan, Mrs. G. H. Abel, Mrs. F. T. Robins, Miss Daisy Robins, Jay Lichtenstein, Miss C. Gibson, Miss G. Gibson, Miss Eulah M. Stephens, Mrs. C. A. Weihe, Miss Florence A. Weihe, Miss Maude Benson. Mrs. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Boynton, F. J. Akers, H. D. Brink, M.D., Mrs."(\ Hooper, Mrs. Louisa Brink, Miss Hetty Hooper.

Harbin Springs, Cal., July 14.— The world wags merrily on at Harbin Springs. Tastes, like talents, differ, and the present relay of guests happening to be largely given to excursions, picnics and pedestrian tours, it transpired last evening that a "jolly crew" found themselves en route to "Bon Sejburs," the lovely country home of Monsieur Somps of San Francisco, situated about a mile and a half above Harbin .Springs. The charming hospitality of the genial hosts is well known to their numerous friends, but this being intended for a surprise party we were a little taken back at finding "Captain Ladd" awaiting to greet us at the entrance to the grounds, but soon discovered that he was there entirely 1- on his own hook." So leaving him to meander in the soft moonlight we proceeded to the drawing-room where monsieur and madame recovering from their momentary surprise lent themselves at once to every device for the pleasure of their unexpected guests. Dancing being proposed the grand march was led by Professor MotierandMadame Moraghan of Sari Francisco. A much-enjoyed duet was rendered by the young Messrs. Bozio on violin and piano, after which Mme. Scmps' lovely contralto voice mingled sweetly with Mrs. Edson's soprano. Then an eloquent recitation from Mr. Hozio Sr. and a humorous song by Captain Hays were highly applauded. Miles. Lind and Mills and Messrs. Prince, Bmidrcau, La Fayette, Dupres and others all added their quota, and when the parting hour arrived we drank to the health and future prosperity of Captain Ladd and his charming mademoiselle, and then wended our way homeward through the starlight Avell satisfied with our outing.

Cazadero, July 14.— Cazadero never looked so well as at the present time and although the crowd has somewhat diminished since the Fourth the resorters are still numerous and, thanks to the fine weather, enjoying themselves greatly. There is quite a number coming on the 15th for the deer-hunting season, which opens then. Among the arrivals for the past week are: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Havens, Miss yavens, Grace Baldwin, W. A. Holcomb, Lulu and Susie Holcomb, H. C. Capwell and family, the Misses Beall, Mrs. 8. M. Fore and fßmilv, Mrs. Nat T. Metier, Miss Messer. N. T. Messer Jr., C. W. Tuttle and family, W. J (innn and family, Miss Crafts, Mrs. J. G. Walker and daughters, C. F. Joy and wife, Mrs. H. M. Rcall, Mrs. Van Bergen, a. I*. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dickmftn, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hunt, Miss B. A. Butler, Mrs. Rennie, Miss Rcnnie, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Gove, Miss A B. Chalmers, C. H. Heyneman, O. F. yon Rhein, Mrs. A. V. Tuohy, Miss McC. and N. A. Tuohy, Mrs. M. E. Gordon, Mrs. Patck, A. L. Fisher, Anita E. Casey, H. Lazarus, George E. Morse, George W. Reed and family, Mrs. James Reed, the Misses Reed, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Crawford, Mrs. J. N. Young and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cleve, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis, Oliver Ellsworth, George Hickman, Miss Hictman, R. H. Round tree.

Tocaloma, July 14.— Among those registered at the Bertrand Hotel are: Judge G. H. Bahrs and family, E. H. Wagner and family, Herman Westerfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Nordman and family, P. Rohrbacher, Miss Hanna O'Neill, Miss Tocaloma Bahrs, Miss Martha Kuhl, E. P. Enright, Joseph Euright, Dr. and Mrs. F. Brunie, John Richards, Mrs. P. A. Richards, Dr. J. Kertcll, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Stoll, Mrs. A. Fauss, E. H. Wagner, Alphonse Hirsch and family, Charles Klein, Hyde Brunie, R. J. Waters and wife, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bilsrer, E. Hermann, I. S^yced and family, J. W. Gough, Alphonse Dupin, Mrs. A. M. Gernghly and daughter.Miss L. Western, Mrs. Hngadorn and son, Goddie Tobleniann, George D.Graham, F. Toblemarn and family, I'rcfcssor J. H. Hargcns, Ju-lj-r H. L. Joueliimson, Dr. Orsi, Mr. and Mrs. H. Koch, Mrs. J. Harder ana family, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Baily, Mr. and Mrs. Bowers, Mrs. John Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters, E. M. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. George Kaehler, L. V. Merle and family, Ira Storick, Miss Maggie Davis, Theodore Vogt, 8. ii. Bcardmaja, Mr. and Mrs. J. Burke, Mr.

and Mrs. .1. Brown, Mrs. C. Mervey, Stacia R. Blanchard, F. L. Buck, Mrs. J. C. Pierson and daughter, F.M. Collins, William Halleroth ana family, A. L. Fisher.

Truckee, Cal., July 14.— Among the late arrivals at McKinney's Hotel, Lake Tahoe, are the following: Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Le Conte, Miss Carrie Lo Conte, Hon. Theo Hittell, Thomas W. Mulford, Professor Carlos Troyer, Mr. and Mrs. William Westhoff, Dr. H. Kreutzman and family, Mrs. Otto Meuser, Mrs. W. J. Landers and family, Henry Kenitzer, Mrs. 1. N. Thorne, Miss Edith Thorne, Mrs. Rachael Vroman.MissM. Goodfellow, George Goodfellow, H. Gullixon and wife, Mrs. E. F. Cole, Mrs. E. A. O'Connor, Miss Bonner, F. G. Andrews. F. D. Baldwin, Professor R. E. Allardice, Harry I>. Hawks, Mrs. A. S. Weed and daughter. Hist Belle Ennor, Dr. H. Roese, Capiain and Mrs. W. J. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Meek, J. P. Baumann and son. Mrs. Fredericks, Miss Ethel Moore, l>r. and Mrs. H. B. Cavell and daughter, W. A. Beatty and wife, Miss Edith Selby, Miss S. Ahearn, 8. W. Chubbuck. John Valentine, Charles V. Dibble, C. J. Fox Jr., Mrs. C. E. Palmer. Misses Ida Belle and Bessie Palmer. Tne following guests are expected at McKinney's to-morrow: William Keith, the artist, and his wile, and Carlos Hittell.

El Paso de Robles, Cal., July 14.— Among those spending the summer at Paso Robles are: W. Tamos, W. Anderson, C. Hcrold, George Parker, W. S. King, S. Wait, J. B. Warner, J. Leebz, C. O. Tbomason, H. Winuhill, Louis Dean, C. Breen, George Smith, Mrs. S. Louis and daughter, Mrs. Henry and family. Mrs. L. F. Williams, Miss F. Williams, W. Armstrong, Mr?. Armstrong, G. Grlttotth, 11. Kcing, J. Smith, G. Laury, Mrs. Joseph Franklin, Miss Jessie Franklin, Miss F. Franklin, M. Hamilton, Mrs. Judge Cotton, A. Cotton, Miss Cotton, Mrs. M. Lee and daughter. Miss Scoby L. Jones and ■wife, M. Wattson, W. Henyon, J. H. Sharp, Miss C Soup, Mrs. M. L. Cadwalder, E.Stowell, W. S. Seline, 11. Kishling, E. K. Thomason nnd wife, Max Bechtel and wife, Miss 11. I.utz, M. Lutz, A. Leigh and wife, James Willson, wife and two daughters, W. L. Black, Judge and Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Horn and daughter.

Tallac, July 14.— The late arrivals at Tallac nre: Edward and Henry Taylor, Mr. and Miss Dahen Lovis, Mr. and Mrs. Sammon M. AVapp, Miss Aronson, Miss Newman, A. Newman, Mrs. Lewenberg and daughter, Mrs. J.B. Burke and family, Herman Cohn, Mrs. and Miss Kohler, Adolph Azon and family, Judge Joachimseu, Saul Rosenthal, Mrs. C. "Wood?, Miss Phyer, K. Howard, William Wolff and family, Hans Kohler, Saul Laydon, Oscar Polle, Mrs. Burke and family, Mrs. M. Sachs and family, John Hooker, all of San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. W. Early, S. Andrews, San Jose: Captain Campbell, Honolulu: Mr. and Mrs. C. Zuisler, Mr. and Mrs. Ciripfellow, Miss Moore, George Wilson, Mrs. Howard and family, Oakland; F. Shaife, Monterey ; P. T. Simpson and family, Mrs. W. H. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Blinn, Los Angeles.

Duncan Springs. July 14.— Among the late arrivals are: Miss Mathilde Lange. Miss Etta Bemis, Mrs. J. Beer, San Francisco; Miss Jennie Germain, Oakland; Mrs. P. Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Shreve, Miss Ada Shreve, Peter Thomson, Miss Gertrude Thomson, W. Clark, Miss Ethel M. Thomson, Lafayette; Walter A. Tiee, John Reid. Miss Anna Reid, Miss Myra Jcffers, Mis 3 Eunice Je fliers. Mrs. C. L. Willaon, Mr and Mrs. John A. Roy, San Francisco; Mi.-s Rebecca Fox, Berkeley; Mr. and Mrs. H. \VhiU-, Miss Holmes, Mrs. 8. E. Spencer, Mrs. M. B. Spencer and child, Santa Rosa; J. Cavanagh, Miss Emma Cavanagh, Miss Ella Cavauatjh, Petaluma; B. D. Bent, San Francisco; Mrs. Bush. Miss Mabel Bush, Healdsburg.

Mountain Home, July 14.— Mr. and Mrs. H. Plagemann.the Misses Plagemann, Mr. and Mrs. Zincant, nurse and baby; Mr. and Hit H. Behlow and two children. Mrs. A. E. Tiernan and son, Mrs. Scupliam, the Misses Scupham, nurse and baby; Miss Cordelia Bernham, Judge and Mrs. W. G. Lorigan, Miss Bergess Lorigan, Master Barthol Lorigan, Miss Sally Stevens, Miss Lvle Stevens, Mrs. Rosener and daughter^ Mr. and Mrs. Ned AHiss, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klein and baby, Mr. Thomas Regan, Alfred Regan, Fred Plageraann, Master Willie Plagemann, F. Jungblut, Mr. and Mrs. George Y. Bollinger, Vie Scheller, George Treadwell, Ned Northam, Emile Lamolle, I. M. Davis, William Dorhnice.

Boca, Cal., July 14.— The following are the arrivals at the Boca Hotel: John C. Donnelly, J. B. Foster and son, C. C. Greenwood, E. Bilford, C. W. Griflln and wife, W. H. Dennis, E. X. Britan and wife, Miss Bryan, Alameda; Samuel Wilson and wife, George C. Edwards and son. 8. T. Gage, George Gage, P. M. Fisher and family. Miss Annie Emerson, Oakland; Sam E. Well, Dr. C. F. Lee, G. W. Hall, Marysville; Mrs. Griggs, Miss Wetmore, R. M. Drake, Sacramento. A number of campers are at Lake Independence, where fishing is excellent. Truckee River fishing is also good.

Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, July 13.— Among the guests registered here are: T. J. Beck, Philadelphia; Mrs. George Taylor, Sacramento; Mrs. M. Gardner, San Francisco; Mrs. M A Coleman, Miss Carrie Coleman, L. A. Grant, Los Angeles; W. A. Hutchings, Chicago; C. Durkee, St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Sibyl Sherwood Emmons, Miss E. G. a'mith, Fresno.