San Francisco Call, Volume 84, Number 162, 9 November 1898 — Los Angeles County. [CHAPTER]

Los Angeles County.

LOS ANGELES. Nov. S.-At midnight the vote .thus far canvassed indicates that in Los Angeles County the result will be as follows: Governor, Gage 3000 plurality; Supremo Judge, Van Fleet 10U0 plurality; Supreme Judge. McFarlantl 300; Congressman, 2500. State Senator A. T. Currier and C. M. Simpson, Thirty-sixth District, elected. Both are Republicans. Assemblymen ejected- as follows: \v. s. Mellck in the Seventieth District, Republican; O. H. Hubar in the Seventyiirst. Republican; J. M. Miller, in the Sev-enty-second, Republican; William Jtfead in the Seventy-third, Democrat; L. H Vak-ntine, In the Seventy-fourth, Republican; N. P. Conrey, in the Seventy-fifth Republican. At midnight the Democratic County Central Committee conceded that Gage would carry the city of Los Angeles by 1000 majority. PASADENA. Nov. R.-Gage 1074. Maguire 534 votes out of 1608 votes counted.