San Francisco Call, Volume 110, Number 12, 12 June 1911 — SUPERVISORS OF PLAY NAMED BY COMMISSION [ARTICLE]


Instructors to Direct Sports of ■-"-.".. Alameda Children ALAMEDA, June 11.—Miss Ethel MeConncll has. been appointed I by' . the park and playground commission as a supervisor of girls', play in Washington i park. ?lie is a graduate of the Alameda high, school -and has. taken a : course in playground work and gymnastics under Prof." W. 8, Ma gee of.the I University of California. Miss MeConnell isa sister of Captain j Rushton MeConnell of Company G. She I Is at present in Los Angeles, but "frill I come here within a few days to take ■ | up her new duties.- '^.'*if^ l* v-*,?- i-'-t'*ii Homer Spence. a graduate of the ! Alameda high school, and who his taken a special course at Stanford uni-

versify, has been' named to supervise

; the'play of boys In Washington park. Miss Alice Ramsey will direct the j girls' play in McKinleypark. The boys' sports In that playground I will be under the supervision of John

Gutlaben, who is also In charge of the

boys' play at Lincoln park.' ' The director of girls' play in Lincoln park is Miss Alto Low.