Truckee Republican, Volume 47, Number 10, 3 February 1916 — American ii Movies to be Taken of Local Scenes [ARTICLE]

American ii

Movies to be Taken of Local Scenes

The American Film Company arrived in town last night to film the story which ran in the Saturday Evening Post about two years ago, written by Van Loan. The story is a satire on the Moving Picture Companies which had been in Truckee prior to the time of its writing, but at the time it ran in the Post it Was not thought it would be put on the movie screen. It is a very clever story and gave TrucKee a great deal of publicity at the time. The entire setting of the story is in Truckee and we think it will prove to be the biggest advertisement that has never been attempted for this section. ihe Company will be here about two weeks according to Mr. Howard the assistant director who have been in town the past two days looking up different spots in which to take scenes. Everyone who ca* possibly assist .the com - pany in any way should do so on account of the great amount of advertising that we will receive from the picture. In next weeks issue we will try and give in fuller details more about the picture. A royal reception was tendered the American Film Company when they arrived in Truckee last night, bill Brady was waiting at the depot with his dog team, musicians were on hand for the occassion to render several selections for the arrival of the “Bunch” and in front of the Sierra Tavern where the crowd are now comfortably dominciled the progressive manager, T. O’Hanrahan had red powder burning. The leading lady and directors wife were carried to the Sierra Tavern in state, by the dog team.